Pennsylvania Avenue Transportation Study – East of the White House


District Department of Transportation


Public Engagement & Interagency Coordination

Project Description: DDOT to analyze traffic on Pennsylvania Avenue, and H and I Streets determine alternatives and priorities for improving traffic flow in this part of downtown. The District Department of Transportation is undertaking a planning study of the western portion of downtown just to the north of the White House. The project will prioritize bus traffic in some areas and adding bicycle infrastructure such as cycle tracks and pedestrian facilities in other places.


Study: Engage the public;

Identify opportunities to improve the urban design, enhance the streetscape, and activate the public space along Pennsylvania Avenue NW between 17th Street and Washington Circle, including the addition of stormwater retention features;

Evaluate alignments for a separated bicycle facility, or cycle track, along Pennsylvania Avenue NW between 17th Street and Washington Circle;

Assess the operational feasibility of a contraflow bus lane on H Street NW between New York Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue and identify associated necessary operational improvements, including the intersection of H Street and Pennsylvania Avenue; and

Develop conceptual drawings based on technical analysis.


  1. Improve pedestrian and bicycle safety
  2. Provide comfortable and abundant pedestrian facilities and crossings
  3. Provide comfortable bicycle facilities for riders of all skill and comfort levels
  4. Provide more reliable corridor travel by transit vehicles and enhance connectivity between transit modes and between transit riders and nearby destinations.
  5. Provide sufficient person throughput on the corridor and surrounding system to satisfy existing and future transportation system needs.
  6. Minimize blockage related to vehicular queues at pedestrian or bicycle connections, intersections, or access locations.
  7. Provide more efficient management of curbside space for transit vehicles, deliveries, loading and unloading, and pick-up and drop-offs.
  8. Ensure compatibility with the corridor’s historical and monumental significance while also recognizing the role of the corridor as a key component of the District’s transportation network.
  9. Develop alternatives that are feasible, implementable, and support the Pennsylvania Avenue Initiative.